
Facing a separation or divorce can be one of the most daunting and emotional time of your life.  I am committed to helping you find a constructive and non-confrontational way to resolve problems arising from relationship breakdown, keeping your children at the heart of our discussions.

Your family dynamics and background are key to developing the best approach for your circumstances.  I will take time to understand you and your family and will tailor my advice according to your situation.

One of a handful of Resolution Accredited Specialists nationwide, I am best-placed to provide specialist, expert advice in relation to complex finances on divorce and children matters.

I can provide you with advice about all areas of relationship breakdown, including divorce and civil partnership dissolution.

In particular, I have extensive experience in dealing with complex finance cases on divorce involving substantial property portfolios, complicated company structures, large pensions and cross-jurisdictional assets.

I also have an interest in relationship breakdown following cohabitation, rather than marriage, and can advise on the financial remedies available to unmarried clients, both for themselves and their children.

However, individuals can require legal advice at any stage of their relationship – not just if it all goes wrong. Relationship contracts (living together agreements as well as prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements) are becoming increasingly popular and can be a realistic and effective way of insuring against the uncertainties of the future.

I am often instructed in relation to arrangements for children, including the amount of time that children will spend with each parent and their day-to-day arrangements, to financial support for children (whether through the Child Maintenance Service or Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989), same-sex parents and complex international relocation cases.

Alternative ways of resolving family issues

As an active member of Resolution, I recognise the benefit of out-of-court settlement and aim to conduct cases in amicable way  as often as possible.  I am a trained Collaborative family lawyer, and as alternatives I also encourage clients to engage in mediation, round table meetings, private hearings and arbitration as a means of finding a solution to their family difficulties.   I acted in one of the first family arbitration cases in the country.


I am based in Bristol and live in Wiltshire.  However, geographical location isn’t a barrier to receiving legal advice today thanks to advances in technology.  I tailor my advice and communications to an individual’s circumstances – whether it is meeting face-to-face, communicating by email or discussing matters by telephone.

Many of my clients are based in London or the North, as well as closer to home in the South West, but I also frequently advise British ex-pats across the globe.

Getting in touch

Please contact me if you would like to discuss how I can assist.

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